Words related to category: Family, clan Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
agwiłems grand-in-law | agwiłukt'a'yn great-grandchild | agwina̱biip great-uncle | agwinikt'aa great-aunt | agwiniyaa great-grandfather | agwints'i'its great-grandmother | agwinügwaat great-uncle | Gisbutwada Blackfish clan | G̱a̱nhada Raven Clan | k'abatgüüłk children | ksi la̱xla̱x born | ksi 'waatk one's father's clan | la̱g̱a̱x'lihaytk stand in two clans | La̱xgibuu Wolf clan | La̱xsgiik Eagle clan | likspteex another clan | likswaap another house | łguk'ootks brother-in-law/sister-in-law | nabiip uncle | ntxa̱laa ts'ap descendants | 'nagyetk family | pteex clan | sag̱ayt k'üülm g̱aył eat together | sigidmna'ax matriarch/chiefwoman | sigyidm hana̱'a̱ matriarch | silagwe'e spouse | silahana'a sister-in-law | silats'apsame village or tribe | sila'yuu brother-in-law | sisdzoxs picnic/play house/common-law | txa'oo cousin | ts'ap tribe | ts'i'is grandmother | ts'maay barnacles/ancestors | ts'nsdzak widowed | uu'lis great-grandparent | waa name | weky brother | wilaaysk relative | wil'naat'ał clan/lineage | *woomłk child | xa̱lgyet adopt | ya'as grandfather |